PEBBLE BEACH (KCBS) – Tiger Woods has returned to the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-AM for the first time since 2002.
“There are people that are going to come down here just to Tiger watch,” John Madden told the KCBS morning crew from Pebble Beach. “That’s great for the area, it’s great for golf, it’s great for Tiger, it’s great for the tournament.”
He’s paired with Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, “which was a pretty smart thing,” Madden said.”Tony Romo is not only a good golfer, but he’s a serious golfer. I think they want to calm down that celebrity part with Tiger.”
Watching a celebrity competition at Pebble Beach yesterday, John was impressed by the tee shots of Giants pitcher Matt Cain.
“He hits a golf ball longer than anyone I’ve ever seen,” John said. “You know slow backswing, swing easy, hit long and all that stuff? That’s a bunch of baloney. (Cain) takes a grip and rip and let’s it go… I would put him up against any of those guys in long drive.”
49ers coach Jim Harbaugh looked serious in his match.
“If you’re a competitor, no matter what you do, you’re still a competitor. That doesn’t change,” the former coach said, noting that’s a big problem for his own golf game. “The worst of it is… when your competitive nature and your competitive juices far outweigh your talent… You have to turn it off and not care. But if you turn it off and not care, then you’re not competitive. So you have to quit golf.” (8:10)
Listen to the John Madden segment live weekday mornings at 8:15 on KCBS All News 740 AM/106.9 FM.
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